Hello, my name is
Dennis Kipruto Kiptoo
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Dennis and I'm a

I am a graduate from Kabarak University with a degree in Information Technology. I work as a front-end web developer and have extensive experience with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I can handle pretty about anything that is put in my path because I will approach it with all of my knowledge and make sure the work is done. As a blogger, I enjoy writing about vehicles since I find them to be fascinating. Also, I create unique blogs for customers based on their requirements.

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My services

Web Design

I design custom website for clients.


I offer advertising packages to clients.

Apps Design

I design custom android applications.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have a strong aptitude for problem-identification and problem-solving, as well as developing innovative solutions and designing web-based products that satisfy customers.

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HTML 90%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 50%
MySQL 70%

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Get in Touch

"Let's get in touch and explore the possibilities of creating something amazing together! Whether it's a project, partnership, or just a friendly chat, I'm excited to hear from you and see what we can achieve.

Dennis Kipruto Kiptoo
Nairobi, Kenya
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